
Stress-free, at-home vet visits and digital pet healthcare.
Product Designer
Lean Design
Berlin, remote
May 2019 - Jan 2021
My Contributions
Information Architecture
Interaction Design
Visual Design


Felmo is a veterinary services start-up based in Germany, that wanted to develop a mobile app that connects vet clinics and pet owners looking for medical care services online.

Why does it matter?

Many users see how stressful going to the vets is for their pets – and it’s only a little less stressful for petparents. Pets fill our lives with joy, and they need top-flight care from us – because they can’t care for themselves.

Research shows that:

  • Travel to a vet clinic often stresses pets out
  • Pets’ behaviour in unfamiliar places, surrounded by new smells and people might be fearful or aggressive
  • Sometimes petparents misplace documents and other details of pets’ health records (vaccination history, medication regimen, or upcoming treatments)

How Might We assist pet owners in caring for their pets while saving time, money, and making the process simple and engaging?



Provide a holistic pet health service. Make sure vets are always ready to assist users, whether digitally or during house calls.


Assist in helping improve and maintain pets’ long-term health and happiness. Make informed choices for pets, and create a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

My Role

At the outset of the project, I was the only designer on the team, and worked closely with the CEO and the engineering team, involved in research, defining requirements, feature creation, as well as wireframing and prototyping. Also, I was responsible for establishing the unique visual design and managing a custom design system based on Eva.


‘Petparents’ is an appropriate title for the key user group, describing their goals, frustrations, and motivations. A Petparent is someone who has a dog, cat, or any combination and number of animals, who:


  • needs immediate or planned veterinary assistance for their pet(s)
  • using their time efficiently
  • wishes to be more in tune with caring for their pets’ health effectively
  • curious to go more in depth about their pets’ health


  • vet clinic visits cause pets stress, which can cause their conditions to deteriorate further
  • it takes a lot of time and effort to find a suitable vet clinic (location, availability)
  • it is hard to memorise all of our pets’ important health details: dates of vaccinations, previous treatments, precise treatment regimens
  • Afraid of missing or misplacing previous findings, vet reports, lab results
  • Vets often give recommendations orally or written illegibly on a scrap of paper


Petparents love their pets; their health and happiness is top-of-mind!


The mobile app makes finding vets and scheduling house calls easy – saving pets and petparents stress and anxiety.

There are also other practical functions:

  • All results and vet recommendations are available to users in the free felmo app
  • All pet health information available at a glance
  • Get lab results and diagnoses directly in the app.
  • In the Vet Chat, users ask Vets questions about their pets’ health
  • Medical reminders help us ensure pets get routine examinations, regular, one-off or seasonal treatments on schedule

Key Features

After multiple iterations, we identified features that best fit users’ needs and service expectations as well as Felmo’s business goals.

01. Appointments

Users can easily and conveniently book and manage appointments. After their appointment, users receive all test results and findings directly in the digital health record section of the app, so that all information about your pet is available anytime, from one place.

02. Profile

All health information for your pets is available at a glance.

03. Chat

In the Medical Practice chat, petparents can ask Vets questions, send photos and upload documents.

Test Photo ALT
04. Supportive information

If users are unsure whether or not they need to take their pet to see a vet, they can do a Health Check (detailed questionnaire) in-app, as well as access high-quality materials written by qualified Felmo experts to help answer petparent questions.

05. Health Diary

Combines a range of functionality: weight and food tracker, uploading and structuring  lab results, symptoms, prescriptions.


Step 1

As a proof of concept, we developed an MVP for users in Berlin in autumn of 2019. Early user feedback showed a significant reduction in petparents’ stress related to pet care. Initial results showed increased user trust in the app's value – as well as the product’s investor appeal.

Steps 2-n

A working MVP allowed us to conduct numerous user studies with real user feedback. For testing hypotheses and features, I used: data analysis, monkey testing, surveys, and usability testing.
Through a process of iteration, as well as using findings and insights, we were able to ensure that we were developing features in areas users needed.

Dig into user study


Objective: to allow communication with Vets via chat. Users are able to ask Vets questions and send images (photos of the pet(s), examination results, test results, etc.) to receive expert advice.

User study insights

Users sent an incredibly large volume of images to the Felmo team – often without any context, description or specific question. This made Felmo’s Vets’ task much harder and more time consuming, significantly increasing chat duration and decreasing the overall utility of the feature.


To provide a clear structure to answers, we implemented easy to follow ‘required information’ fields. Later studies showed this significantly improved usability and the overall impact of this feature.


Felmo’s service is available in 27 regions of Germany so far, and provides qualified help to thousands of petparents and their darlings. Their latest funding raised $17.8M


I was very fortunate to have worked on designing this project side by side with a great team. This was a real ‘jackpot’ for me, both as a designer and as a petparent!

Key Takeaways

  • Positive feedback is a gift for teams, negative feedback is a generous gift for designers
  • Not everything you designed will be as useful as expected, and that’s fine. Take all the learnings you can, when you can
  • Healthcare is a big world where empathy and user-oriented design have an essential impact; striking a balance is a big responsibility for designers